
hips.make_sky_image(geometry: typing.Union[dict, hips.utils.wcs.WCSGeometry], hips_survey: typing.Union[str, _ForwardRef('HipsSurveyProperties')], tile_format: str, precise: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = True, fetch_opts: dict = None) → hips.draw.ui.HipsDrawResult[source]

Make sky image: fetch tiles and draw.

The example for this can be found on the Getting started page.


geometry : dict or WCSGeometry

Geometry of the output image

hips_survey : str or HipsSurveyProperties

HiPS survey properties

tile_format : {‘fits’, ‘jpg’, ‘png’}

Format of HiPS tile to use (some surveys are available in several formats, so this extra argument is needed)

precise : bool

Use the precise drawing algorithm

progress_bar : bool

Show a progress bar for tile fetching and drawing

fetch_opts : dict

Keyword arguments for fetching HiPS tiles. To see the list of passable arguments, refer to fetch_tiles


result : HipsDrawResult

Result object