
class hips.WCSGeometry(wcs: astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS, width: int, height: int)[source]

Bases: object

Sky image geometry: WCS and image shape.


wcs : WCS

WCS projection object

width, height : int

Width and height of the image in pixels


To create a WCSGeometry, you can create any WCS and choose an image shape (number of pixels):

from astropy.wcs import WCS
from hips import WCSGeometry
wcs = WCS(naxis=2)
wcs.wcs.ctype[0] = 'GLON-AIT'
wcs.wcs.ctype[1] = 'GLAT-AIT'
wcs.wcs.crval[0] = 0
wcs.wcs.crval[1] = 0
wcs.wcs.crpix[0] = 1000
wcs.wcs.crpix[1] = 500
wcs.wcs.cdelt[0] = -0.01
wcs.wcs.cdelt[1] = 0.01
geometry =  WCSGeometry(wcs, width=2000, height=1000)

See also WCSGeometry.create as a simpler (but also not quite as flexible) way to generate WCS and WCSGeometry objects.

Attributes Summary

WCS_ORIGIN_DEFAULT Default WCS transform origin, to be used in all WCS pix <-> world calls.
celestial_frame Celestial frame for the given WCS (str).
center_pix Image center in pixel coordinates (tuple of x, y).
center_skycoord Image center in sky coordinates (SkyCoord).
fits_header FITS header for the given WCS (Header).
pixel_skycoords Grid of sky coordinates of the image pixels (SkyCoord).

Methods Summary

create(skydir, width, height, fov, …) Create WCS object for given sky image parameters (WCSGeometry).
create_from_dict(params) Create WCS object from a dictionary (WCSGeometry).
make(geometry, _ForwardRef()]) Convenience constructor for create_from_dict classmethod or existing object (WCSGeometry).
pix_to_sky(x, y) Helper function to convert pix to sky coordinates.

Attributes Documentation


Default WCS transform origin, to be used in all WCS pix <-> world calls.


Celestial frame for the given WCS (str).

Calls wcs_to_celestial_frame.


Image center in pixel coordinates (tuple of x, y).


Image center in sky coordinates (SkyCoord).


FITS header for the given WCS (Header).


Grid of sky coordinates of the image pixels (SkyCoord).

Methods Documentation

classmethod create(skydir: astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate.SkyCoord, width: int, height: int, fov: Union[str, astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle], coordsys: str = 'icrs', projection: str = 'AIT') → hips.utils.wcs.WCSGeometry[source]

Create WCS object for given sky image parameters (WCSGeometry).


skydir : SkyCoord

Sky coordinate of the WCS reference point

width, height : int

Width and height of the image in pixels

fov : str or Angle

Field of view

coordsys : {‘icrs’, ‘galactic’}

Coordinate system

projection : str

Projection of the WCS object. To see list of supported projections visit: http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/wcs/#supported-projections


>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from hips import WCSGeometry
>>> skycoord = SkyCoord(10, 20, unit='deg')
>>> geometry = WCSGeometry.create(
...     skydir=SkyCoord(0, 0, unit='deg', frame='galactic'),
...     width=2000, height=1000, fov='3 deg',
...     coordsys='galactic', projection='AIT',
... )
>>> geometry.wcs
Number of WCS axes: 2
CRVAL : 0.0  0.0
CRPIX : 500.0  1000.0
PC1_1 PC1_2  : 1.0  0.0
PC2_1 PC2_2  : 0.0  1.0
CDELT : -0.0015  0.0015
NAXIS : 0  0
>>> geometry.shape
Shape(width=2000, height=1000)
classmethod create_from_dict(params: dict) → hips.utils.wcs.WCSGeometry[source]

Create WCS object from a dictionary (WCSGeometry).

The extra options are passed to the create class method, it can take the following parameters:

  • target
  • width
  • height
  • fov
  • coordsys
  • projection

For detailed description, see the create class method’s docstring.

classmethod make(geometry: Union[dict, _ForwardRef('WCSGeometry')]) → hips.utils.wcs.WCSGeometry[source]

Convenience constructor for create_from_dict classmethod or existing object (WCSGeometry).

pix_to_sky(x, y) → astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate.SkyCoord[source]

Helper function to convert pix to sky coordinates.