Source code for hips.draw.healpix

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from astropy_healpix import healpy as hp
from ..tiles import HipsTile, HipsTileMeta, HipsSurveyProperties
from ..utils.healpix import hips_tile_healpix_ipix_array

__all__ = [

[docs]def healpix_to_hips_tile(hpx_data, tile_width, tile_idx, file_format) -> HipsTile: """Create single hips tile from healpix data given a tile index. Parameters ---------- hpx_data : `~numpy.ndarray` Healpix data stored in the "nested" scheme. tile_width : int Width of the hips tile. tile_idx : int Index of the hips tile. file_format : {'fits', 'jpg', 'png'} File format to store the hips tile in. Returns ------- hips_tile : `HipsTile` Hips tile object. """ shift_order = int(np.log2(tile_width)) hpx_ipix = hips_tile_healpix_ipix_array(shift_order=shift_order) offset_ipix = tile_idx * tile_width ** 2 ipix = hpx_ipix + offset_ipix data = hpx_data[ipix] # np.rot90 returns a rotated view so we make a copy here # because the view information is lost on fits io data = np.rot90(data).copy() hpx_nside = hp.npix2nside(hpx_data.size / tile_width ** 2) hpx_order = int(np.log2(hpx_nside)) meta = HipsTileMeta( order=hpx_order, ipix=tile_idx, width=tile_width, file_format=file_format, frame='galactic' ) return HipsTile.from_numpy(meta=meta, data=data)
[docs]def healpix_to_hips(hpx_data, tile_width, base_path, file_format='fits'): """Convert HEALPix image to HiPS. Parameters ---------- hpx_data : `~numpy.ndarray` Healpix data stored in the "nested" scheme. tile_width : int Width of the hips tiles. base_bath : str or `~pathlib.Path` Base path. file_format : {'fits', 'jpg', 'png'} File format to store the hips in. """ n_tiles = hpx_data.size // tile_width ** 2 for tile_idx in range(n_tiles): tile = healpix_to_hips_tile(hpx_data=hpx_data, tile_width=tile_width, tile_idx=tile_idx, file_format=file_format) filename = Path(base_path) / tile.meta.tile_default_path filename.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) tile.write(filename=filename) data = { 'hips_tile_format': file_format, 'hips_tile_width': tile_width, 'hips_frame': tile.meta.frame, } properties = HipsSurveyProperties(data=data) properties.write(base_path / 'properties')