Source code for hips.draw.paint

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import time
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Any
from astropy.wcs.utils import proj_plane_pixel_scales
from skimage.transform import ProjectiveTransform, warp
from ..tiles import HipsSurveyProperties, HipsTile, HipsTileMeta, fetch_tiles
from ..tiles.tile import compute_image_shape
from ..utils.wcs import WCSGeometry
from ..utils.healpix import healpix_pixels_in_sky_image, hips_order_for_pixel_resolution

__all__ = [

__doctest_skip__ = [

[docs]class HipsPainter: """Paint a sky image from HiPS image tiles. Paint HiPS tiles onto a ky image using a simple projective transformation method. The algorithm implemented is described here: :ref:`drawing_algo`. Parameters ---------- geometry : dict or `~hips.utils.WCSGeometry` An object of WCSGeometry hips_survey : str or `~hips.HipsSurveyProperties` HiPS survey properties tile_format : {'fits', 'jpg', 'png'} Format of HiPS tile precise : bool Use the precise drawing algorithm progress_bar : bool Show a progress bar for tile fetching and drawing fetch_opts : dict Keyword arguments for fetching HiPS tiles. To see the list of passable arguments, refer to `~fetch_tiles` Examples -------- >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> from hips import WCSGeometry >>> from hips import HipsSurveyProperties >>> from hips import HipsPainter >>> geometry = WCSGeometry.create( ... skydir=SkyCoord(0, 0, unit='deg', frame='icrs'), ... width=2000, height=1000, fov='3 deg', ... coordsys='icrs', projection='AIT', ... ) >>> url = '' >>> hips_survey = HipsSurveyProperties.fetch(url) >>> painter = HipsPainter(geometry, hips_survey, 'fits') >>> painter.draw_hips_order 7 >>> >>> painter.image.shape (1000, 2000) """ def __init__(self, geometry: Union[dict, WCSGeometry], hips_survey: Union[str, HipsSurveyProperties], tile_format: str, precise: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = True, fetch_opts : dict = None) -> None: self.geometry = WCSGeometry.make(geometry) self.hips_survey = HipsSurveyProperties.make(hips_survey) self.tile_format = tile_format self.precise = precise self.progress_bar = progress_bar self.fetch_opts = fetch_opts self._tiles = None self.float_image = None self._stats: Dict[str, Any] = {} @property def image(self) -> np.ndarray: """Computed sky image (`~numpy.ndarray`). * The ``dtype`` is always chosen to match the tile ``dtype``. This is ``uint8`` for JPG or PNG tiles, and can be e.g. ``int16`` or ``float32`` for FITS tiles. * The output shape is documented here: `~HipsPainter.shape`. """ return self.float_image.astype(self.tiles[0].data.dtype) @property def draw_hips_order(self) -> int: """Compute HiPS tile order matching a given image pixel size.""" # Sky image angular resolution (pixel size in degrees) resolution = np.min(proj_plane_pixel_scales(self.geometry.wcs)) desired_order = hips_order_for_pixel_resolution(self.hips_survey.tile_width, resolution) # Return the desired order, or the highest resolution available. # Note that HiPS never has resolution less than 3, # and that limit is handled in _get_hips_order_for_resolution return np.min([desired_order, self.hips_survey.hips_order]) @property def tile_indices(self): """Get list of index values for HiPS tiles.""" return healpix_pixels_in_sky_image( geometry=self.geometry, order=self.draw_hips_order, healpix_frame=self.hips_survey.astropy_frame, )
[docs] def projection(self, tile: HipsTile) -> ProjectiveTransform: """Estimate projective transformation on a HiPS tile.""" corners = tile.meta.skycoord_corners.to_pixel(self.geometry.wcs) src = np.array(corners).T.reshape((4, 2)) dst = tile_corner_pixel_coordinates(tile.meta.width) pt = ProjectiveTransform() pt.estimate(src, dst) return pt
@property def tiles(self) -> List[HipsTile]: """List of `~hips.HipsTile` (cached on multiple access).""" tile_metas = [] for healpix_pixel_index in self.tile_indices: tile_meta = HipsTileMeta( order=self.draw_hips_order, ipix=healpix_pixel_index, frame=self.hips_survey.astropy_frame, file_format=self.tile_format, ) tile_metas.append(tile_meta) if self._tiles is None: self._tiles = fetch_tiles(tile_metas=tile_metas, hips_survey=self.hips_survey, progress_bar=self.progress_bar, **(self.fetch_opts or {})) return self._tiles
[docs] def warp_image(self, tile: HipsTile) -> np.ndarray: """Warp a HiPS tile and a sky image.""" return warp(, self.projection(tile), output_shape=self.geometry.shape, preserve_range=True, )
[docs] def run(self) -> np.ndarray: """Draw HiPS tiles onto an empty image.""" t0 = time.time() self.make_tile_list() t1 = time.time() self._stats['fetch_time'] = t1 - t0 t0 = time.time() self.draw_all_tiles() t1 = time.time() self._stats['draw_time'] = t1 - t0 self._stats['tile_count'] = len(self.draw_tiles) self._stats['consumed_memory'] = 0 for tile in self.draw_tiles: self._stats['consumed_memory'] += len(tile.raw_data)
[docs] def make_tile_list(self): parent_tiles = self.tiles # Suggestion: for now, just split once, no recursion. # Leave TODO, to discuss with Thomas next week. # See also: if self.precise == True: tiles = [] for tile in parent_tiles: corners = tile.meta.skycoord_corners.to_pixel(self.geometry.wcs) if is_tile_distorted(corners): tiles.append(tile.children) else: tiles.append(tile) self.draw_tiles = [tile for children in tiles for tile in children] else: self.draw_tiles = parent_tiles
def _make_empty_sky_image(self): shape = compute_image_shape( width=self.geometry.shape.width, height=self.geometry.shape.height, fmt=self.tile_format, ) return np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def draw_all_tiles(self): """Make an empty sky image and draw all the tiles.""" image = self._make_empty_sky_image() if self.progress_bar: from tqdm import tqdm tiles = tqdm(self.draw_tiles, desc='Drawing tiles') else: tiles = self.draw_tiles for tile in tiles: tile_image = self.warp_image(tile) # TODO: put better algorithm here instead of summing pixels # this can lead to pixels that are painted twice and become to bright image += tile_image # Store the result self.float_image = image
[docs] def plot_mpl_hips_tile_grid(self) -> None: """Plot output image and HiPS grid with matplotlib. This is mainly useful for debugging the drawing algorithm, not something end-users will call or need to know about. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.make_tile_list() for tile in self.draw_tiles: corners = tile.meta.skycoord_corners.transform_to(self.geometry.celestial_frame) ax = plt.subplot(projection=self.geometry.wcs) opts = dict(color='red', lw=1, ) ax.plot(,, transform=ax.get_transform('world'), **opts) ax.imshow(self.image, origin='lower')
def measure_tile_lengths(corners: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute length of tile edges and diagonals. Parameters ---------- corners : tuple of `~numpy.ndarray` Tile corner pixel coordinates ``(x, y)`` Returns ------- edges : `~numpy.ndarray` Tile edge pixel lengths. Entries: 0 -> 1, 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 0 diagonals : `~numpy.ndarray` Tile diagonal pixel lengths Entries: 0 -> 2, 1 -> 3 """ x, y = corners def dist(i: int, j: int) -> float: """Compute distance between two points.""" return np.sqrt((x[i] - x[j]) ** 2 + (y[i] - y[j]) ** 2) edges = [dist((i + 1) % 4, i) for i in range(4)] diagonals = [dist(0, 2), dist(1, 3)] return np.array(edges), np.array(diagonals) def is_tile_distorted(corners: tuple) -> bool: """Is the tile with the given corners distorted? The criterion implemented here is described on the :ref:`drawing_algo` page, as part of the tile drawing algorithm. """ edges, diagonals = measure_tile_lengths(corners) diagonal_ratio = min(diagonals) / max(diagonals) return bool( max(edges) > 300 or (max(diagonals) > 150 and diagonal_ratio < 0.7) ) def tile_corner_pixel_coordinates(width) -> np.ndarray: """Tile corner pixel coordinates for projective transform. Note that in this package we flip pixel data from JPEG and PNG to be consistent with FITS tile orientation on read. For that reason we can treat all tiles the same here and in other places in the package, and assume the FITS tile orientation is given. The order of corners below is chosen such that it matches the order of the pixel corner sky coordinates from ``healpix_pixel_corners``: - north - west - south - east and then gives correct results when used to compute the projective transform for tile drawing. """ w = width - 1 return np.array([ [w, 0], # north [w, w], # west [0, w], # south [0, 0], # east ]) def plot_mpl_single_tile(geometry: WCSGeometry, tile: HipsTile, image: np.ndarray) -> None: """Draw markers on the output image (mainly used for debugging). The following denotes their correspondence: * red <=> North * green <=> West * blue <=> South * yellow <=> East Parameters ---------- geometry : `~hips.utils.WCSGeometry` Geometry of the output image tile : HipsTile HiPS tile image : np.ndarray Image containing HiPS tiles """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt corners = tile.meta.skycoord_corners.transform_to(geometry.celestial_frame) colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'] ax = plt.subplot(projection=geometry.wcs) for index, corner in enumerate(corners): opts = dict(s=80, color=colors[index]) ax.scatter(,, transform=ax.get_transform('world'), **opts) ax.imshow(image, origin='lower')