
class hips.HipsDrawResult(image: numpy.ndarray, geometry: hips.utils.wcs.WCSGeometry, tile_format: str, tiles: List[hips.tiles.tile.HipsTile], stats: dict)[source]

Bases: object

HiPS draw result object (sky image and more).


image : ndarray

Sky image (the main result)

geometry : WCSGeometry

WCS geometry of the sky image

tile_format : {‘fits’, ‘jpg’, ‘png’}

Format of HiPS tile

tiles : list

Python list of HipsTile objects that were used

stats : dict

Information including time for fetching and drawing HiPS tiles

Methods Summary

from_painter(painter) Make a HipsDrawResult from a HipsTilePainter.
plot(show_grid) Plot the all sky image and overlay HiPS tile outlines.
report() Print a brief report for the fetched data.
write_image(filename, overwrite) Write image to file.

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_painter(painter: hips.draw.paint.HipsPainter) → hips.draw.ui.HipsDrawResult[source]

Make a HipsDrawResult from a HipsTilePainter.

plot(show_grid: bool = False) → None[source]

Plot the all sky image and overlay HiPS tile outlines.


show_grid : bool

Enable grid around HiPS tile boundaries

Uses `astropy.visualization.wcsaxes`.

report() → None[source]

Print a brief report for the fetched data.

write_image(filename: str, overwrite: bool = False) → None[source]

Write image to file.


filename : str


overwrite : bool

Overwrite the output file, if it exists